The Advantages of EPDM Roof Coatings

There’s no getting around the importance a roof plays in any structure. Whether it be a home, a warehouse, office building, etc. you need a strong roof that can provide shelter from the elements. Leaks do happen, however, at which point, you want to act fast to solve the problem. Despite all the options available, you can’t do much better than having EPDM roof coatings above your head. Keep reading to learn why applying EPDM to your roof is one of the best decisions you can make for the structure.

Immune to Most Climates:

EPDM roof coatings can handle just about any climate condition short of a tornado. They can withstand low temperatures all the way down to -40 F without cracking or becoming brittle.

If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll be glad to know that a roof covered in EPDM doesn’t mind the warmth, either. While temperatures will never get up to 300 F, EPDM has shown it wouldn’t be a problem if it did.

The really great thing about EPDM roof coatings, when it comes to climate, is how much it can save you in energy costs. EPDM gets a lot of credit for keeping the elements out, but the truth is that it does just as good a job keeping your cold air or heat in, where it belongs.

Repair and Maintenance:

Roof Leaks Repairing
Roof Leaks Repairing

As the above attests, a roof covered in EPDM will have an easy time withstanding the elements. Yet EPDM needs very little, if any, maintenance. While you’ll want to clean your roof periodically, simply to keep things like fungi or algae from growing, the synthetic rubber itself won’t need any help.

This also provides greater savings. The longer you can go without having to fix your roof again, the more of a return you’re getting on your investment. But this can also provide great savings for use on an office building. As that type of building constantly undergoes inspections for worker safety, you won’t have to worry about spending more to keep it up to code.


It’s hard to think of another option that can provide the kind of longevity you’ll get from installing EPDM Roof coatings. The ERA (EPDM Roofing Association) recently conducted a study. In it, they examined a number of EPDM roof coatings that were 30 years old. Their finding was that, even after 3 decades, the EPDM maintained a high degree of tensile strength, almost as if it were new.

Installing EPDM:

Installing EPDM Roof Coatings
Installing EPDM Roof Coatings

Keep in mind that the above advantages are contingent on quality installation. While many people may be successful in installing EPDM on their own, they take the results into their own hands. Many of the benefits listed above will not be a factor if installation is mishandled.

When it comes to putting a roof over your head, you’d be hard pressed to find a better option than EPDM rubber. For added savings, incredible durability, and little-to-no maintenance issues, EPDM roof coatings will deliver. Best of all, you won’t have to think about it again for decades to come.

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